“Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.” – Ray Bradbury

Thursday, 5 July 2012


Hi everyone,
So we got to Germany on Wednesday around 7:00 pm after taking the scenic route through Dresden and a bunch of little towns surrounding it. The villages had some of the most beautiful houses( they were more like villas but hey). They were amazing! Even E. was impresses :)
Today our parents were ( and still are) teaching in the radical missions school. It's been really fun hearing them teach because they often use examples from real life (mainly about E. ) but also from their childhood and other fun stuff.
So we've been on our annual Norma run ( Norma is the supermarket here that has the most amazing ice coffee and sweet rolls [ what we call " stroodel"]). So all that's left is to get doner kebab! Is it sad that our stay in Germany is mainly defined by food? Maybe, but you haven't tried their stroodel. ;D
So besides eating we've packed prepared our plain outfits and have our breakfast ( stroodel and coffee) oh.yes! It's gonna be a good day! So that's pretty much where we are in our operations. This is J. signing off ;)
P.S. we don't have internet here on our base in Germany so this will probably be posted on the day we leave for the US, but what the heck ; D
P.P.S. It poured here today so here's a picture of our restaurant (that happened in about five minutes)

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